Spotlight: Dragons of Kethos

Kethos Dragons are powerful, intelligent creatures, innately magical, and most are capable of flight. Unlike Giants, Dragons cannot be easily divided into clear types, as each is unique in some way. They are rare in the modern era, though smaller varieties are somewhat more common. These smaller, more bestial types are often referred to as "Drakes," while the oldest, largest, and most powerful are known and feared as "Wyrms."

Dragons take various forms. In the southern hemisphere, they tend to be serpentine. Some are hexapedal, possessing four limbs and separate wings, while most northern Dragons resemble giant bats, with two limbs and wings modified from their forelimbs. Regardless of body shape, all Dragons possess a breath weapon of some sort. Fire is the most common, but many can exhale clouds of caustic or poisonous gas. Dragons can be found in nearly any habitat, though all prefer isolation. For modern Dragons, use the statistics provided in the SWADE core rules. Many Dragons are also powerful spellcasters, often possessing the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge and Power Points equal to their Toughness.

Traditionally, Dragons are divided into two broad groups: those that are typically hostile to humanity and those that are usually helpful. Many human cultures believe that these two groups took opposing positions regarding the Gods in prehistory, and their forms were altered to reflect their inner natures. While sages offer various explanations for this division, it remains an unfortunate truth. On Kethos, malevolent Dragons seem to outnumber benevolent ones. Strangely, the benevolent Dragons are more frequently encountered in the Nimbus and the demi-planes it connects to, particularly in the Shining Realm. Some religious teachings suggest that this world was left to the malevolent Dragons, while the worlds beyond were gifted to those who sided with the Gods.


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