Kethos Book 4: Gemric and Cio Gemir
Now that the holidays are over, we here at Kethos Project are back to the book mill, where we toil away under terrible conditions at the word mill, churning out good Kethos content. Next up is Kethos Book 4: Gemric and Cio Gemir. This book provides a setting for campaigns of musketeers, pirates, swashbucklers, and assassins. It also can serve as a springboard for expanding a campaign set in the Kehler Lands out into the rest of Kethos, through the means of intercontinental trade networks that center on Gemric. The Republic of Gemric is a mercantile republic similar to the Italian city-states of the Renaissance, if they were united into a single powerful nation. Even more than that, it focuses on the capital city of Cio Gemir, a city of canals inspired directly by Venice. The first part of this book, the setting guide, can be used with any game system. The second part is intended for one specific game system, but you can easily convert it to a different one.
Keep checking in for progress updates and eventually a release date!