Spotlight: Goblinoids of Kethos

The Goblinoid races of Kethos are very different from those found in most fantasy RPG settings. Goblinoids of all types are members of a single species; the significant varieties (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears) are but life-stages in a single species. Few non-Goblinoids are aware of this, outside of the few sages who bother to study them and those unfortunate enough to be well acquainted with them. Scholars believe that modern Goblinoids are a created servitor race, intended initially as laborers and soldiers. Goblinoids are the modern descendants of a race now lost to history, known only as the “ur-Goblinoids”, one of the dominant races on Kethos until the arrival of the First Elves. The newcomers saw the ur-Goblinoids as a threat and quickly destroyed their technologically sophisticated civilization, driving the survivors into the Deep Lands. After this, the First Elves saw Goblinoids as interesting vermin and made great sport of hunting them. When the First Elven civilization finally fell, the savage Goblinoids flourished in the brutal aftermath. Goblinoids rarely cooperate with other sentient races, seeing them only as hated foes or prey, except in the case of those who serve the Dark Gods. Neither Hobgoblins nor Bugbears place any value on the lives of Goblins, outside of an instinctive desire to protect the race from outside enemies. Both will routinely enslave and occasionally prey on Goblins, and no kinship ties are recognized between individuals.

The Goblinoids share no known common ancestor with Humans, Elves, Smallfolk, or the Orcish lines, and they differ in many ways from most animals of Kethos. Where Orcs are tough and brutal, Goblinoids tend to be stealthy, speaking in hissing whispers even when not trying to remain quiet. Some scholars argue that Goblinoids do not originate on Kethos, for they are unlike any other race. All Goblinoids have large eyes, slit vertically like a cat, and can see in complete darkness, using heat. They also have large, pointed ears and small claws. Their limbs end in three digits and an opposable thumb. Goblinoids have wildly varying amounts of hair on their heads – some have none, while others are almost furry, but the hair is nearly always wiry and dark-colored. The most distinctive feature of the Goblinoids is their horrifying mouth, a tooth-filled maw with a sharp rasping tongue. The mouth is surrounded on the sides and bottom by several finger-like maxillae, each of which has a small, sharp tooth used to hold onto food. When folded up and not in use, the maxillae give the impression of a typical jaw and chin, albeit oddly ridged.

Goblinoid reproduction is disturbing by the standards of most races. Goblins are hermaphrodites, having only a single biological sex; pairings result in both Goblins becoming pregnant with two to five young, which are delivered as small eggs. These eggs are placed into a communal offal pit and quickly hatch into small vicious creatures usually called “Imps,” which resemble the worst possible combination of frogs and monkeys. Imps crawl and squirm in the offal pit, devouring anything they can find, including sometimes other imps, until they reach a large enough size to crawl out and fend for themselves. They are then considered members of the tribe by other Goblins, despite only being a couple of feet tall.


These runty vermin are the least imposing but most common of the Goblinoids, the reproductive phase of their life-cycle. Goblins tend to be about 3’ to 4’ tall, slightly built, and usually dress in crude rags and improvised armor. Their coloration runs the whole gamut from red to green to black, though all in a group will be about the same color. Goblins are stealthy and possess malicious cunning but are neither brave nor intelligent in general. They tend to live underground and survive by raiding settlements and stealing whatever isn’t nailed down. In large numbers, they can be very dangerous. Though Goblins are not harmed by sunlight, it causes them discomfort, so they generally avoid it. Goblins typically live short, violent lives centered around hunting and raiding, both dangerous pursuits. Few individual goblins live longer than four or five years, but they make up for it in numbers. High birth rates plus rapid maturation mean that a Goblin population can recover quite rapidly from catastrophe, and thus it is nearly impossible to exterminate them. Goblins live in tribal bands of varying sizes, with a chief (the strongest Goblin) and shaman (the most intelligent Goblin)leading large bands of goblins in a chaotic, haphazard way. Their dwellings can be found by the foul stench left by the dirty creatures and are usually centered around a communal offal pit. Goblin crafts are deficient quality; bone, wood, and stone weapons and armor are the usual fare, though successful individuals may have obtained better elsewhere. A Goblin known as a skilled crafter of tools and weapons will have a higher status in the band than anyone besides the chief or shaman.


Hobgoblins are the soldiers of the Goblinoid race, born to war. Of all the “monster races”, they present the gravest danger to Humanity as warfare comes naturally to them. Hobgoblins are militaristic, brave in the face of danger, skilled in battle, and aggressive. The typical Hobgoblin is a bit stronger than a Human, though not possessed of comparable mental flexibility. Their facial features are more human-like, with smaller eyes and mouths in proportion to their heads, hairy skulls, and larger, more muscular limbs. Lacking the same form of family identities as Humanoids and Orcs, Hobgoblins instead gravitate towards both the pursuit of individual and group status, depending on their drive and ambition. Hobgoblins organize themselves into tribes and chiefdoms and occasionally gather into actual kingdoms. These groups are fierce rivals to one another, and it is only this lack of internal cohesion that prevents the Hobgoblin race from being a larger threat. They have enough discipline to master skills and trades, so Hobgoblins have adept weapon smiths and leaders. Hobgoblins tend to be well equipped with their weapons and armor and have mastered discipline and logistics in warfare. Some are even intelligent to use magic, becoming fearsome war-mages. A few of the larger Hobgoblin communities enslave other races and force them to work in mines and farm fields. This frees lower-status Hobgoblins up to join the fighting forces of the community, making all of them more powerful.


Bugbears are 7’-8’ tall, with long arms and thick, barrel-shaped bodies, and are very strong. Unlike other Goblinoids, Bugbears are covered in thick hair, almost to the point of being furry. Despite their size and strength, they are incredibly stealthy and are infamous night-raiders. Bugbear fur helps muffle the sounds of their movement and breaks up their silhouette in dim lighting. It is also thought to dissipate their smell. These minor enhancements give them a considerable advantage when sneaking up on enemies and prey, often the same thing. It is theorized that they were a laborer caste, though their solitary, vicious temperament argues against this theory. Only the most vicious Goblins grow into Bugbears instead of Hobgoblins. Bugbears usually live in small bands of about a dozen, led by the strongest and wisest among them. Occasionally they reside with tribes of Goblins or Hobgoblins, acting as muscle for Hobgoblins or enslaving the Goblins. Bugbears tend to live above ground, hunting and attacking small settlements. Bugbears are almost exclusively meat-eaters. They are fond of consuming other sentients as prey, savoring the fear caused by the hunt. Unlike other Goblinoids, Bugbears are not averse to associating with other races under some circumstances. Cultists of the Maravanna, necromancers, or the intelligent undead find Bugbears to be like-minded enough to be useful as guards, assassins, or enforcers.


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